iat4ss and its partner colleges are looking for innovative professors, on an adjunct basis, who can co-create and/or co-deliver advanced integrated accounting curriculum leveraging technology. Contact Linda Espahbodi at lespahbodi1@gmail.com if you are interested in being considered for these opportunities.
Instructor Profile
Personal Values
Has a demonstrated investment in the evolution of a holistic accounting education
Has a demonstrated investment in education equity for all underserved Americans
Enthusiastic about teaching in a virtual live classroom
Is committed to continuous improvement in personal and professional growth
Teaching Philosophy
Inspires students in the field of accounting by recognizing each student’s passion and making a connection to the profession
Engages each student and values her or his individual attributes and contributions
Maintains a rigorous but supportive environment for students to build confidence that they can navigate the world after college
Teaching Practice
Demonstrates mastery of content
Sets a culture of high expectations
Ø Leads students towards discovery of knowledge and deep understanding through engagement with peers, teaching assistants, mentors and professors
Ø Nurtures excellent written and oral communication skills and develops critical thinking skills to facilitate making good professional judgment
Ø Gives detailed feedback continually
Encourages a diversity of opinions and perspectives